We are AMARE, The Mental Wellness Company

Mental wellness is physical wellness.

Mental wellness is financial wellness.

Mental wellness is a revolution.

Our award-winning products, combined with synergistic programs, supported by heart-centered people, and empowered by the opportunity to transcend financial stress --all of this, when interconnected, IS the Amare Platform -- IS the Mental Wellness Revolution.

There are many ways to live your best life, but only Amare Global is combining holistic, scientifically-validated, industry-leading solutions for optimizing your mental, physical, and financial wellness.

This is the heartbeat of Amare. Love yourself one day at a time. Change the world one person at a time. Lead the Mental Wellness Revolution.

Amare's all-natural mental wellness products support vigor, happiness, stress resilience, mental performance, and whole-body wellness.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the SCIENCE of Amare.


you could be part of that massive growth and PROUDLY serve the world and our communities by providing natural solutions to those who are ready and desperate to take back control of their health and happiness?


you got PAID to help others + were able to grow a significant business, while honoring your integrity, your time, your family and your own mental wellness?

The Health + Wellness industry is predicted to be

the FASTEST growing industry in 2023.

Transforming the world starts with one. One visionary. One innovator. One person…like you. In less than 5 years, Amare will be in a million homes all around the world. Creating ripple effects of positive change. A million realities transformed from the inside out. You may not even realize it’s happening, but it’s happening. A million starts with one. A million starts with you.

Amare Global is the FIRST + ONLY Network Marketing Company to lead the Mental Wellness Revolution.

The TIME is NOW!


you didn't join a billion dollar company, but you were helping build one...YOU were a PIONEER + the FIRST to bringing Mental Wellness to the masses?


you were handed a simple, done-for-you roadmap that would help you get RESULTS immediately, without cold messaging strangers, begging your family...that would actually ATTRACT people to what you have to offer?


there were industry leaders + mentors personally available to you to help you take your skills, your confidence and your mindset to a whole new level?

We are transforming lives...

After experiencing burnout in her nursing career, Danniele finally found the alignment + impact she was looking for. She has built an engaged community by sharing her story, creating an sustainable income, while having the flexibility to fight for her family, be by her husband’s side in ministry + one day be present with her miracle babies.

From no systems, no strategy, sending spammy messages and a burned out network marketer to LEADER in less than a year. Lindsey has moved farther and faster with Amare than she did in the past EIGHT years with her previous company - now, with passion, energy, integrity, authenticity + balance in her life.

Brandi left a successful business behind + threw in the towel on the industry after her business stole her peace and robbed her of the time freedom she came for. This community revived her passion and belief in this opportunity and provided the strategies, systems and personal growth she needed to build another successful business that didn’t just look good on the outside, but FELT good on the inside.

As a stay at home mom, Megan craved something for herself and desired purpose outside of “just being a mom.” With no prior experience , she’s been able to use the systems, personal development and community to expand her vision through this business, earn a full time income and transform thousands of lives in the process.

Lack of alignment and systems made success nearly unattainable in her previous business. With a team of 150, and only 5 of them actually working, she new she needed to find a better way. Joining Amare helped Rebecca rebuild and expand her business from a completely cold market...and with more energy and passion than ever.

As a top income earner in

her previous company, she experienced success first hand - but that also came with sacrifice and burnout. Since joining Amare, Ashlee has built a business with a family-first focus and systems that drive results without compromising the things that truly matter the most.

As a top-earner in her previous NWM company and owner of a printing business, Autumn found herself completely burned out and it had taken a toll on her mental health. After her own transformation with the products, Autumn felt called to help others do the same. Since selling her printing business and going all-in with Amare, she finally found the alignment, balance and success that she was looking for.

In her previous business, Kayla was focused on outer beauty, and trying to juggle four kids while creating endless makeup tutorials was creating more burnout than success. Finally finding the systems and strategies she needed, paired with the products her network was truly searching for to feel their best on the inside was just what this mom and adventurer needed to find the best of both worlds - success and peace.


We provide one of the most exciting and generous compensation plans in the Network Marketing industry. Whether you're interested in a supplemental income stream or an exciting career path with unlimited potential, Amare’s compensation plan delivers!

Earning money with Amare is simple. We have 8 different way to get paid with our generous and balanced comp plan. Click HERE for Full Comp Plan.

Like to travel? Sweet! Earn all expense paid luxury vacations with the Path to Paradise program. We are headed to Panama in 2022 and want you to come with! CLICK HERE and take a look at what you could be missing.

In addition to commissions and cash bonuses, earn exclusive gear, electronics, luxury travel vouchers, cash and a car bonus program as you develop as a leader. CLICK HERE and see what's up for grabs.

The FUTURE is in your hands...

If you're ready to have a deeper conversation and see how joining this incredible mission could look for you? Reach out to the person who invited you.

We'll see you on the inside!